10 May, 2008

Who is the best candidate for the presidency?

Mr. Obama is inexperienced, but yet is a great orator. Mrs. Clinton
claims she's got experience, but she believes that the minute she gets
into office, she can implement a healthcare plan. Mr. McCain proposes to
continue the administration of Mr. Bush. How high will oil and gas
prices go up to if Mr. McCain becomes president?
As you see, there is no clear-cut candidate for president that is
best for leading the free world. Our next president will be faced with a
multitude of issues, such as the war on terror, particularly the
Republic of Iran which, according to Israeli intelligence, which is
seldom wrong, is on full-scale production of weapons-grade uranium.
Israel has made it clear that they will not wait until Iran has nuclear
weapons to act. If they believe Iran to possess nuclear weapons, they
will act with catastrophic results. Our next president is going to have
to deal with this threat by either attempting to talk with Iran, or by
aiding Israel by dropping a couple of Nukes on Tehran and where ever
they believe the weapons to be contained.
Our next president is also going to have to find a way to deal with
Iraq. If we stay, more US forces will continue to be killed. If we
leave, there is a good chance that Iraq will be taken over by terrorists.
Due to Obama's lack of experience, I would vote for him, as he would
not know how to deal with what he plans on doing. He states that he will
immediately pull US forces out of Iraq. What he does not understand is
that it takes more than just the president to decide to pull out
immediately. There are logistics that Obama has not yet considered. Iran
is sending terrorists over to Iraq to attack US troops. Should the US
send some people into Iran to destroy some of their military
installations? Would there, however be repercussions if the US did that?
The director of the FBI has already stated that there are Iranian
terrorist cells here in the US. Would Iran order them to blow up stores
and buses here in America? Would Americans have the stomach to deal with
that, or would they protest some more?
Those are all questions that voters must think about before hitting
the voting lines this November when they vote for their next president.

The statements above are the opinions of Nimer Jaber. I will not be
held liable for any information that has been presented above. If you
have any questions as to the relevants or reliableness of this
information, please contact me, or use other resources. If you believe
that any of this information is not reliable, please feel free to email
me with your concerns.

1 comment:

  1. I am a strong Obama supporter--I began supporting him after John
    Edwards withdrew from the campaign. I have never really supported
    Hillary Clinton, even though I totally supported her husband when he
    was president. I want a woman to be president--I just think she is the
    wrong woman--to embedded in old school politics.
    Obama represents (to me) a breath of fresh air.
    Obama does not plan to withdraw all troops immediately--it will be a
    gradual draw-down taking minimum 16 months. Any president needs the
    support of Congress to do really anything (although the current
    administration does not believe that). That is why it is almost as
    important to get a strong Democratic majority in both houses of
    Congress to support a Democratic president as it is to elect a
    Democrat (my view again). That is the only way we can end this war and
    get health care reform, education reform, etc. etc.
    I also believe that Obama's desire to try diplomacy in the Middle
    East should at least be explored. I am a pacifist and hate the
    prospect of more war. The current administration and John McCain have
    rejected diplomacy totally. Because I am Jewish, I love Israel, and I
    believe we need to support them as they are our only real ally in a
    volatile Middle East, but I also believe that we have huge problems in
    this country that need to be addressed before we consider any more
    military involvement over there. Besides that, our economy would get a
    huge boost if we could stop spending billions of dollars in Iraq.


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